Founder Series
Oct 6, 2024

[Founders Blog] Danswer's Yuhong - The Answer to All Your AI Needs

Danswer AI: Rapid growth and open source vision for generative AI

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[Founders Blog] Danswer's Yuhong - The Answer to All Your AI Needs

The YC Experience: A Launchpad for Danswer's Success

I noticed that Danswer recently graduated from Y Combinator this past July. How was that experience for you, and what do you see as the next steps for the company?

Participating in Y Combinator was an incredible experience. It’s something I would wholeheartedly recommend to any entrepreneur who gets the opportunity. The partners at YC are second to none when it comes to advising early-stage startups. They bring a wealth of hands-on experience that you simply can’t find anywhere else. No other organization has such a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by tech startups in their formative stages.

For us, the journey through YC was transformative. It provided not just valuable mentorship, but also a strong network and community that helped accelerate our growth and sharpen our focus. Now, our main objective is to continue building awareness around Danswer and expanding our reach. As an open-source project, we enable teams to leverage our software with no barriers, giving them access to technology that can fundamentally transform how they operate. Our mission is to empower organizations worldwide by integrating generative AI tailored to their specific needs, without compromising data privacy or control.

Lessons from the Journey: Embracing the Startup Grind

What’s one thing you wish you had known before starting your own tech company?

After graduating from university, I spent several years in the tech industry, honing my skills and learning from larger organizations. I believed that working in a big company would offer me access to mentors and best practices that I could then apply to my own startup. But once I started Danswer, I realized something crucial: the best way to learn how to build a company from scratch is simply to start building it.

There’s no substitute for the kind of learning you get when you’re going from zero to one with a small team of dedicated individuals. Even in mid-sized companies, where an engineering team might have 30 people, the experience is completely different from the early days of a startup. When you’re working with a team of five to ten incredibly talented people, every decision matters, every line of code is significant, and every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. The pace and intensity of learning in this environment are unparalleled.

The Genesis of Danswer: A Vision for Open-Source AI

How did you come up with the idea for Danswer? What was the inspiration behind it?

Generative AI is poised to transform the way we work, and this is something we believe with absolute certainty. Our goal is to make this revolutionary technology accessible to teams around the world. We’re convinced that open source is the best way to achieve this. By staying open-source, we ensure that our users retain full control over their data, with complete transparency about how it is processed, stored, and used.

When using cloud alternatives, there’s often a hidden risk. You’re not just trusting the team you’re sending your data to, but also a whole chain of third-party data processors they may be using. This introduces a significant vulnerability—if any link in that chain is compromised, it could lead to the exposure of a company’s most sensitive internal knowledge. We’re talking about customer and prospect call transcripts, engineering documents, sales playbooks, and internal communications—everything that keeps the organization running smoothly.

For us, the choice is clear. By building Danswer as an open-source solution, we offer full transparency and control to our users. They can rest easy knowing that their data isn’t being sent to untrusted parties and that they have complete oversight over how it’s being handled.

The Essential Tool Stack: Navigating the Startup Landscape

Can you share the daily tools that you use? What’s in your tool stack?

Absolutely! The tool I use the most is Danswer itself. Often, I need answers to questions about fairly niche software like Vespa, so I’ll switch between different models to get the right response. If one model doesn’t give me the information I need, I’ll try another, and if that doesn’t work or if I want a second opinion, I’ll check with yet another.

For coding, we rely heavily on Cursor, which has made engineering not only faster but also more enjoyable. We use Google Suite for most of our needs, like email, account management, and document storage. For scheduling, we’re big fans of Cal—go open-source! Other tools in our stack include HubSpot, Slack, Linear, Zoom, Fireflies, GitHub, and Docker. The list goes on, and I’m probably forgetting a few. It’s amazing how many tools even a tiny team ends up using to keep everything running smoothly.

(Maybe, through this experience, the Danswer team could start utilizing Shadow and vice versa.)

Product vs. Community: Solving the Chicken-or-Egg Dilemma

The "community versus product development" question is a classic chicken-or-egg scenario in the context of building and growing a successful software tool. In your opinion, what comes first?

The "community versus product development" question is a classic chicken-or-egg scenario in the context of building and growing a successful software tool. In your opinion, what comes first?

The answer is clear: product is everything. It’s crucial to build something truly amazing that people want. The product needs to be not only extremely useful but also intuitive, visually appealing, and enjoyable to use. Achieving that means you’re already halfway there.

Of course, having a great product is meaningless if no one knows about it. Building a community around the product is crucial, but it’s so much easier when there’s something that people genuinely love. When the product resonates with users, community building becomes a natural extension of that success, rather than a prerequisite.